Joke refs

 Is there another team that has had more farcical red cards than Arsenal in the last few seasons?

Martinelli at Wolves when he got two yellows in the same play, and now Tomiyasu for two incidents. Not even fouls in my opinion. The lack of consistency is maddening.

First of all, what is time wasting? Clearly the definition changes when you’re the away team. The crowd bays for a card and the ref duly obliges. If they are going to dish out cards, two things need to happen to ensure consistency. A  time standard, and reviews allowed. Commentators banging on about how much time elapsed are off the mark because there isn’t a standard? Given that there is no official time keeper, VAR reviews should be allowed. The ludicrous notion that yellows can’t be reviewed needs to change, as it is then all too easy for a trigger happy ref to dish out two yellows.

Alternatively, instead of yellows, how about awarding the throw or free kick to the other team? I thought that was in the rules already. But yet again the PGMOL decided to go down the populist route instead of just aiming to do their basic job better. They seem to love stoking controversy and distract us from the sheer incompetence that is plaguing their ranks. At the beginning of every season they are clamping down on something, which is soon forgotten 5 games in.

The other thing about consistency is how Ayew stays on the pitch when he committed a worse foul on Saka while on a yellow? Absolutely bizarre. Again a homer decision. 

Ok rant over. Back to the good old days of winning with 10 men. And we’ll celebrate however we like.

Tired (of complaining about refs) Gooner


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