Angry people


Sadly this was one of the few positive and constructive responses to my attempt to have a civilized discussion. I posted a very short comment on the Arseblog FB page, and many of the responses were a mix of the dismissive and hysterical. These were of course from those who disagreed with my view.  I think. I could not tell in some cases. One replied to me with the comment, "Ludicrous logic". Heh. OK, it is probably safe to say they were directing it at me.

My reply? "Can't argue with that." Smiley face emoji. Hope he got it. Hey at least I was accused of having logic. Even if it's ludicrous. Progress. Hope he felt better getting that off his chest. To be fair, he was just offering his opinion but something in the response made me think. I would have just let it go if he had just said "Ludicrous." However, if you criticize someone's logic, I think it's just common courtesy to tell them what's wrong with it. Or is this also ludicrous? 

I had prefaced my post by saying "I am in the minority here..." And some wit said, "You're in the minority because you are wrong." Wow. Thanks for the blinding analysis. But I decided on the Michelle Obama approach. I took the high road.

"It does not matter if I am. I am not looking to convince anyone, just hoping to have a civilized discussion here. Thank you." 

Others said simply I did not know what I was talking about, accused me of trying to appear unbiased - Why, thank you! - and it was funny because the responses got more hysterical and illogical the more I tried to have a proper discussion. We also live in a Trumpian era where people mistake opinion for fact, and declare that's the end of that. Discussion over. Lesson here is that if you are angry and emotional, it's not a great state of mind to have a discussion. So I stopped, and only engaged those who were more calm and rational.

One of the funniest was an exchange between a guy "N" who got abusive at another person "K" who supported my view - K said those who criticized me were "clowns" (a bit unkind) who had never read the laws of the game. N remarked sarcastically that he supposed K kept a copy of it with his toys. K said "Considering I'm a retired professional referee...yes I keep the new version with me every year." Boom! That was hilarious even if it's not true.

Anyway, there is no need to get so upset over an exchange of views about a football game. I do understand the passion though. I have been there before, and it still gets to me in the heat of the moment during the game.  This doesn't put me off, but on the contrary, I am determined to try to have civilized discussions with people who are willing to, and hope to persuade others that there can be a better way. We cannot shut ourselves off from those who disagree in a disagreeable manner - that comes with the territory if we wish to engage and learn something ourselves.

And so, back to the response I posted at the top of the page. That is how we can share and encourage and educate each other. I learnt something about my own ignorance and am glad someone pointed it out in a nice way. That's all we can ask for.


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